Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Evelyn's first birthday party

So my daughter turned one and it seemed like the perfect time to do an Alice in Wonderland theme party! I made French Macarons, a mini three tiered cake, Cheshire Cat cupcakes with smiles, strawberry roses, peppermint Patty pocket watches, sugar cookies that make you smaller and taller and rice Krispy treat cards. So much fun! 


This was my first try at French macaroons. I've heard all these timers that they're very hard to make. Not really the case, you just need an oven thermometer to make sure your oven is actually at the right temperature. I even made a batch on a rainy day, they were fine. Here's how they turned out. 

Pie for the first time

Our favourite local bakery closed almost two years ago today and we miss it so. They made the best pies EVER. I was able to snag one of their recipe books from their gift shop area and ended up making my first pie from scratch. But knowing me it wasn't going to be the standard pie. So I made a cherry pie with a snowflake crust. I took a set of cookie cutters I had and cut the top layer of pie dough in the snowflake shapes. Pretty good for my first pie from scratch. Just need to make the top crust a little thicker next time. But it was delicious.